One of the ISIS men who slit the throat of a priest in France a 19year old boy

 One of the ISIS knifemen who invaded a church in Normandy and slit the throat of an 84 year old  priest has been named as known terror suspect, 19 year old Adel Kermiche.
 Kermiche had been arrested twice in both France and Switzerland for attempting to join ISIS and was being monitored with an electronic ankle tag.
Kermiche’s bail conditions allowed him to move about freely without supervision between 8.30am and 12.30pm every day.
Kermiche and his mates attacked and killed the priest between 9am and 11am. They were killed by the police marksmen as they emerged from the building shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’
Sister Danielle, a nun who escaped said:
‘They told me “you Christians, you kill us”. They forced him to his knees. He wanted to defend himself. And that’s when the tragedy happened.

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