Jaywon celebrates birthday with the less priviledged at Modupe Cole memorial care centre

 Jaywon with some of his friends including Sound Sultan paid a courtesy visit to Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home, to celebrate his big day. The artist who just wanted to spend few hours with the children ended up almost spending the whole day as he went round the compound to see the condition of their classrooms, rooms and more.
The children, who were surprised and happy to see the music star, started his joyful day with praise and worship session as well as one of the children prayed for him. They also had the opportunity of singing a happy birthday song as well cut the birthday cake, as he presented the gifts the brought for the home. Some of the gifts include toilet rolls, disinfectants, beverages, vegetable oil, bags of rice and much more.
For Jaywon, it was not just about visiting these children but more about thanking God for keeping him over the years and thanking God for the gift of life. When asked about how he felt being with them he said:

“My joy knows no bound because seeing these children alone is enough happiness for me. Me being at Modupe Cole has made me appreciate life more than before, I just thank God for everything.”
Aside moving from one classroom to another, Jaywon also sang for the children and visited the recording studio and tried recording a song with one of the children and also promised to come back to putting finishing touches to the song as well as dedicate it to ‘Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home.’

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