Jungle Justice as Plantain Thief was Apprehended – Photo
The beating of a plantain thief by the mob as shown
below is the most unfortunate act only seen in a country like Nigeria. I
know Nigeria is operating a legal system(Substantive and Procedural
law) specifying offenses and procedure thst must be followed in
prosecuting offenders. I also know that we have a justice system even
though the justness of the jusice system to me is questionable. My point
of argument here is rationality behind the jungle justice meted against the plantain
thief. We know that things are hard. We also know that people stole and
still stealing our money in millions and billions and you watch them
roam our streets with no one raising raising a finger on them. People
steal billions from our God given resources and go free but a poor man
looking for what to eat is stoned for a ball of Akara. I am not
defending evil, but we know that principles of equity which underlies
substantial justice demands that factors motivating crime, degree of
situation and individual involvement must be considered. Unfortunately,
those who beat this man to this condition as shown here did not consider
especially, what motivated the stealing of plantain instead of a car or electronics even money. Then must they follow jungle justice?
If they failed to reason on the condition, situation, empathy snd
sympathy that that the type of crime should have attracted, then why did
they not take him the the appropriate place for the law to take its
course? How can you administer a punishment heavier than the crime
committed? Do we really talk of justice where there is unequal
punishment and treatment of offender who is convicted on the street by
some miscreants/hoodlums. If we are talking of justice systems here, all
those who contributed to the beating and disgrace of that man allegedly
treated that way without formal conviction by a court of competent
jurisdiction must be brought to book and that however, does not stop the
investigation of the alleged stealing to prove if he actually stole or
an arrangement to tarnish his image. – Online Reporter
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