Most Satisfying Deaths on Game of Thrones(Gifs) odiso 10:55:00 AM ENTERTAINMENT Edit 14 of the Most Satisfying Deaths That Ever Happened on Game of Thrones Image Source: HBO Now that Game of Thrones has finished another season — with a whole slew of painful cliffhangers, no less — it's time to take stock. Naturally, we're looking forward, figuring out what's to come in the far-off seventh season, but we're taking time to reflect, too. With so many deaths in this past chapter — a few of which were very satisfying — we thought it would be nice to look back at all the totally warranted, totally deserved deaths we've seen to date. 14 Viserys Targaryen Image Source: HBO What a great way to start this list, right? It's safe to say we were all tired of Daenerys's brother from the get-go, so this molten-gold death is the jackpot we really needed. 13 Lysa Arryn Image Source: HBO After worrying about the infamous moon door for the better part of a season, there was no one we'd rather see go through it. You might say we were over the moon. 12 Tywin Lannister Image Source: HBO Listen, it's not that we particularly hated Tywin Lannister; he's fine. But the way he constantly bullies and belittles Tyrion made this murder extra sweet. He's on the toilet, for heaven's sake! 11 The Waif Image Source: HBO The only reason this one's not higher on the list is because we don't actually see how everything goes down. Even so, after watching the waif torture Arya for much of seasons five and six, it's fun to see their literal face-off — as in Arya cuts that face off and puts it right in the Hall of Faces. 10 Lancel Lannister Image Source: HBO As a follower of the Seven, Lancel has been on our bad side for quite some time now. To make it worse, he's generally just been kind of insufferable as a member of the Faith Militant. He's fired. 9 Craster Image Source: HBO It's not hard to get a bad taste in your mouth from this wildling. He marries his daughters and incestuously fathers more daughters with them. We'd be four, five seconds from wildin' too, if you catch our drift. 8 Khal Moro Image Source: HBO Don't you EVER come for the Mother of Dragons!! I have never in my life yelled at a Khal like this! Learn something from this! Just know that when you try to come for Daenerys, it's going to be lit. 7 Myranda Image Source: HBO Before we were graciously gifted with the death of Ramsay Bolton, we got to witness the murder of his sadistic lover, Myranda. Guess she finally hits rock bottom. 6 Meryn Trant Image Source: HBO This guy is one of the few characters Arya has managed to cross off her kill list all by herself. Looks like she really takes that "eye for an eye" thing to heart, you feel? (Because, like, she stabs his eyes a lot.) 5 Stannis Baratheon Image Source: HBO Stannis was never a noble hero in our hearts, but the real turning point is when he burns his daughter Shireen at the stake as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light. One might say we'd been burnt one too many times at that point. 4 The High Sparrow Image Source: HBO We've been banking on Cersei's revenge all season long, and her explosive plan certainly doesn't disappoint. 3 Walder Frey Image Source: HBO This death has been years in the making, and it couldn't be more beautifully orchestrated. When you consider how Walder Frey has killed much of Arya's family, the fact that she feeds him the remains of his sons is like literally giving him a taste of his own medicine. 2 Joffrey Baratheon Image Source: HBO Joffrey Baratheon is the quintessential trash monster on Game of Thrones. He's impossible to tolerate, he's whiny, he's mean, and he's so many other things. Now he's dead too, holler! 1 Ramsay Bolton Image Source: HBO No other death on Game of Thrones has tasted this good, especially if you ask Ramsay's very hungry hounds. Image Source: HBO This is the part where we all walk away with our new signature Sansa smirks. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About odiso RELATED POSTS
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